ACTEFLC Public Warning — ESLinsider TEFL.

Christopher Haines
2 min readJul 19, 2022

This is a public warning, issued by ACTEFLC, highlighting the appalling/unprofessional conduct of ESLinsider TEFL.

ACTEFLC recommends being extra vigilant regarding ESLinsider and Ian Patrick Leahy. Credible student reports of misrepresentation and loss of funds, in addition of the inability to use the ESLinsider TEFL certificate for official purposes; i.e., for reputable teaching employment.

ESLinsider, an unaccredited TEFL certification program, operated by Mr. Ian Patrick Leahy, of no current fixed abode, has never attained ACTEFLC Fully Accredited status.

Any such claims to the contrary should be ignored.

ESLinsider’s application for accreditation was denied in 2021.

The main reason for this denial of accreditation was due to the inability on the part of ESLinsider to provide documentation that supported a detailed breakdown of its company structure and staff hierarchy.

It was subsequently discovered that the ESLinsider TEFL program is operated by one individual, namely Ian Patrick Leahy; an individual who has no permanent address and who has a well-documented and well-known reputation for applying aggressive astroturfing techniques with which to gain new TEFL students.

As a direct result of this denial of Fully Accredited status, Ian Patrick Leahy has applied his astroturfing skill set towards attempting to undermine the online reputation of ACTEFLC.

This behavior is a continuation of a long history of astroturfing.

ACTEFLC isn’t the first organization to be targeted and we won’t be the last.

What is astroturfing?

Astroturfing is an “organized activity that is intended to create a false impression of a widespread, spontaneously arising, grassroots movement in support of or in opposition to something (such as a political policy) but that is in reality initiated and controlled by a concealed group or organization (such as a corporation)”.

Mr. Ian Patrick Leahy targets its competitors and other organizations connected with the TEFL community with such techniques.

The ultimate goal of these tactics is to part unwitting people with their money; money that gets spent on a TEFL course provided by ESLinsider that is neither accredited or internationally recognized.

ACTEFLC advises people to be extra vigilant when dealing with this individual and his ESLinsider TEFL company.

Christopher Haines

Head of Accreditation Office |

The Accreditation Council for Teaching English as a Foreign Language Courses (ACTEFLC) does not charge or request payment from individuals for information associated with accreditation. Verification of a TEFL/TESL/TESOL program’s ACTEFLC accredited status is available to the public upon request. Please disregard any unauthorized requests and report such activity immediately to the ACTEFLC office.



Christopher Haines

ACTEFLC — Accreditation Council for Teaching English as a Foreign Language Courses.